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Making a Public Comment

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* In person at Cleveland City Hall, Room 220, 601 Lakeside Ave. NE. Paper forms are available to register.

* If you don't want to fill out the online form below, you can download this form and fill it out and email it to or drop it off at Council offices. (Parking at City Hall on the upper lot is free on Monday's after 5 pm when Council is meeting.) If you need assistance, language or disability, go here to make a request (at least 3 days in advance.) 

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Registrations to speak up to 3 minutes at a regular council meeting can be submitted between noon Wednesday and 2 pm on the Monday before a regular 7 pm council meeting. (Early, incomplete and false registrations are not accepted.) Only the first 10 are accepted.  

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Public Comments

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Why re-name the cleveland, baseball team
Why re-name the Cleveland, baseball team '2024. The Cleveland, baseball team should be re-named because, Guardians of people don't want to get assaulted from a bat or ball. Concluding, Guardianship is for an honor of good care to & for people and shouldn't be mistaken for violence from a bat & or ball. Thank you for supporting why Cleveland' baseball team should be renamed. A Neighbor of - Council 15
Name: Majeeda Ali
Posted: May 3, 2024
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Cudell Park
As I continue to think about comment ing for the council meeting my mind keeps coming back to Jenny Spencer. Whether through misguided intentions backed by Matt Zone or plain ignorance Jenny Spencer voted to swap away a park in her ward, ward 15. Given how council politics work, her lack of objection provided cover for everyone else on council to vote it through. If Council controls the way city funds are allocated it has to be Jenny Spencer needs to introduce emergency legislation to provide for more funds to change current design plans for Marion Seltzer school and save Cudell Park Or it has to be her that introduces legislation directing the administration to TAKE BACK the park land from CMSD through eminent domain. Jenny Spencer this is the only logical move you can make if you truly believe Cudell park can be saved and still design a new school. While Mayor Bibb deserves attention I really think Councilwoman Spencer needs to be held accountable. If she is “on our side now” then good. She needs to walk the walk and take some REAL action to remedy her mistake. Mayor Bibb washing his hands of the whole deal and passing it off to CEO Dr Morgan of cmsd is wrong. Mayor Bibb if you can allocate money to build a 2.4 billion dollar stadium you can find $4 million to fix this debacle called Marion Seltzer School. The kids can be shipped off to another school while it's being built or built in another place. You all made a mistake with Watterson Lake and destroyed it as a swing site. Do not tell us well we're sorry we'll do better next time , no do better this time. The only people who like this design is the mayor the CEO Dr Morgan the teachers, some parents of students and the people getting paid for designing and building it. I am crying Foul! The community does not want the school on the park. They were never engaged . But stomping on the little people seems to work for you. mayor Bibb your climate conference will look like a fiasco by what will be exposed to the attendees on how Cudell Park was mishandled, called and treated like surplus land and devastated by a so called climate committee. Climate Mayor indeed.
Name: Jamie Brazier
Posted: May 3, 2024
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Land grab / Buildings Department Horror!
Robert S. Weisberg 11965 Caves Rd Chesterland, OH 44026 440-488-5132 The City of Cleveland’s previous Buildings Commissioner Bob Vilkas horribly wronged my family in the name of the City when he condemned our 4900 Lakeside Warehouse after forcing me to borrow and invest over $365,000 in it. That “Prick” put us out of business and screwed up my life! What I want is not legal or moral so I guess I will need to settle for restitution from whoever is willing to pay it and I am VERY VERY determined to get that money! I am too close to the problem, I need help! My anger “hate” & frustration do no good: I am not so foolish to believe I can beat the Autonomous “City Hall” on its own turf and therefore my hope has been that by exposing their problems, “Cleveland Ohio’s powers that be” would want rid of me badly enough to figure out a way get my family that restitution. I have done a fair amount of damage to their “establishment”, but honestly thus far nothing positive for my family. Therefore I am asking you to help me with this project. I PROMISE your designee the first $50,000 that we collect! Thus; Providing you are willing to put in a lot of effort on an if-come; I can & want to explain the whole horror story. After I see good progress, I would want to help you, help me: BUT I mean to pay for success and first we will need to meet and go over everything, still, just so you understand what has gone on. Here is a synopsis of the story: My family owned and operated our businesses: Denis Copy & Recreation / American Automatic Vending / Affordable Office Furniture & Affordable Warehouse from our 4900 Lakeside facility: After putting in a couple of lifetimes of 10-18 hour days with our money where our mouth is, the whole time, the advent of the PC computer fouled up the copy machine & game vending business's that we had built. STILL; the snack and office furniture business' were OK to good: Having lived through two big losses' Warehousing was new to me, and seemed comparatively peaceful and I figured on doing them and renting some space in that building “forever”. Losing it, the home of, and forcing the closing of those businesses cost us a lot, well over $2 Million. The roof needed to be redone when we bought 4900 Lakeside in 1988 after selling our 21st & Prospect place and I had nightmare troubles with roofers: Between the mid 90’s & 2001 Bob Vilkas consistently badgered me, thus forcing me to borrow and put in an additional over $365,000 for that roof, a sprinkler system, and furnace's for our "Ace in the hole" building, bringing our monetary investment in the place to well over $950,000. The timing was bad, still I more than anyone wanted the place in good shape, but in order to meet his asinine constraints and timing demands, besides paying extra, I had to sell everything I could at less than market value, and then beg for and borrow the rest of the money! When putting that pile of money in our warehouse didn't totally break us he made a mortal enemy of me when he hit hard with a game-changing, nightmare, " cannonball to the belly," blow: thus for him, climaxing the RAPE, In February of 2002 he condemned our facility putting us out of business, literally evicting me from our own place and reducing the value of our blood sweat and tears to squat; while with the same stupid ass move, killing the place where 60+ people were eking out a living when this crap started. Because money is what makes the world go around and there was never a justifiable reason for hassling me the way he did and then condemning our place when it was in the best shape it had been in during the 40 years I was familiar with it: I say that the S.O.B. VILKAS did all this for a “Party” benefactor crony, that evidently wanted this or any property they could get near a dream "New Lakeshore" I got F--- (Had) by professionals, all members of THE North East OHIO DEMOCRATIC PARTY: If you think I am wrong, find another common denominator of the people involved! It doesn’t bother me that fate is fickle or money comes and goes; I have earned and lost more than most but, fate didn't do this one, UN-scrupulous whores did and I personally can not live with myself, allowing this to happen to my family or myself. Please contact me when you are ready to help and earn a good buck! Robert S. (Bob) Weisberg 440-488-5132
Name: Robert Weisberg
Posted: May 2, 2024
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Taxpayer subsidies to the Cleveland Browns.
So, it is being reported that Browns owners want taxpayers to pony up 50% of the cost of renovations to the existing stadium or construction of a new one, meaning hundreds of millions or a billion dollars or more. Well, that seems about right, provided taxpayers receive half the profits. Otherwise, this is just more socialism for the wealthy elite. Taxpayer investors are entitled to their share of the return. This is a reasonable amount for taxpayers to invest when billionaire owners pay their fair share of the tax burden like we do, rather than hiding behind lavish tax advantages, unnecessary corporate welfare, obscene tax-abatements for luxury property investments and phony philanthropic scams and sketchy private foundations designed to lower their tax bill and direct their money into pet causes, often political. It will make perfect sense when owners pay the full slate of property taxes and generously support urban public schools. Sure, this amount will be reasonable when endemic poverty in our region and specifically Cleveland isn't some of the worst in the country, and nearly 50% of Cleveland’s children don’t grow up poor. Taxpayers are fed up with footing the bill for silly subsidies to billionaire-owned sports franchises. “Public private partnership” has come to mean that public money fuels private fortunes, as rapacious oligarchs gorge themselves at the overflowing trough of taxpayer largesse. Keep asking, “Who benefits? Who pays?” Get answers. Specifically, with tangible commitments and evidence of public benefits, including full-time, living wage, family supporting jobs with good benefits, not just the gauzy, feel good generalities about “economic activity” and pretty, absolutely meaningless renderings. And any public subsidies to this team MUST be put to a vote.
Name: Arthur Hargate
Posted: May 1, 2024
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File #:469-2024. Version: 1. Type: Emergency Ordinance. Status:First Reading. File created:4/26/2024.
Comment: The request for permission to encroach the right-of-way should be granted for the Ohio Historical Marker on Random Road entitled 'Sculptors of Guardians'. This marker is located adjacent to the original site of the Ohio Cut Stone Company, where the 'Guardians of Traffic' statues were crafted. The double sidewalk this marker is located on allows for more than adequate foot traffic. On City Council agenda: 4/29/2024 - AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE Authorizing the Director of Capital Projects to issue a permit to Little Italy Redevelopment Corporation to encroach into the public right-of-way of Random Road by installing and maintaining a “Guardians of Traffic” Ohio Historical Marker.
Name: Mary Martin, on behalf of Bibiana Fatica, property owner/resident at 1951 East 123 St. Cleveland OH 44106
Posted: Apr 29, 2024
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Why take off the Name Lincoln of West High School.
I'm Requesting the city of Cleveland Delete Lincoln off of West High and keep the High School. The word /Linc /Lincoln was an obvious equivalency to limiting the people of west High School, because the obvious name Lincoln is to Linc together /Cling or Clingy. eg. (The Students had to be unlinked to prevent injuries and to learn sports.) The request to re-name Lincoln West to West High School could prevent injuries to & of West Cleveland, Ohio. Less clinging & Creating more freedom to run/ jump or play sports is why taking off the name Lincoln is important. Finally, include the request, To re-open the School with the new title West high school could make students happy to end referring to names on High School. Thank you for supporting freedom of West Cleveland, Ohio .. Council 15
Name: Majeeda Ali
Posted: Apr 20, 2024
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Cudell Park
Mayor Bibb and council members, I'm writing in regards to Cudell park and Marion Seltzer School. I am a current homeowner in the Cudell area across the street from Cudell Park. We the community would like to know why you mayor Bibb a climate mayor are not engaging with the community to find a solution that would create a much-needed new school and still save Cudell Park and green space? The current plans for the school will decimate Cudell Park Green space and its trees. The city and school wasted $465,000 in lawyer fees and taxpayers money fighting the Friends of Cudell Commons park when all they wanted was to meet with you in a redesign. The community was forced to accept a design that the community neither approved or were engaged to approve which was proved in court. All I am asking mayor Bibb is that you please take the time to meet with Dr Morgan, and the Cudell community to find a better solution and save our green space trees and Park and prove yourself as a climate mayor. Thank you for your time
Name: Jamie Brazier
Posted: Apr 10, 2024
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Cleveland Ordinance 262-2024 to Create an additional Police Slush Fund
I am strongly OPPOSSED to creating ANOTHER slush fund for the Dept of Public Safety. This ordinance take another 50,000 out of tax payers pockets and takes it away from critical needs in our city, and allows police commanders to have a slush fund to buy what they want. As a community we already have an organization for this very purpose. The Cleveland Police Foundation received more than 400k a year for this very reason. It was created to strengthen the bonds between the Cleveland Division of Police and the citizens it serves, working together to make our city safer for all. To accomplish that goal, the CPF works proactively to support and invest in programs, community policing initiatives and engagement, events that foster stronger relationships between citizens and police officers, and police charities. Please check the recent 990 tax filing for the Foundation: You will see there is already more than 400k avail for this work. If there is an issue with how the commanders are working with the foundation, perhaps council could assist them in developing a better dialogue. But the last thing we need is to give them ANOTHER slush fund. There is already so many of these funds... what do you think happens with the buy money that is replenished every year? What do you think happens to the forfeiture money? What do you think happens with the drug law enforcement fund? The commanders have resources for money, they are choosing not to use them and instead to pass the buck to you as council to give them even more money that is unaccountable. As a community we should be working to strengthen the ties between the Cleveland Police Foundation and the police commanders, not creating another slush fund.
Name: Tom O'Malley
Posted: Apr 3, 2024
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State of the City
Yet another rah rah speech by the Mayor: lots of glad-handing, team-building, grandiose plans and some worthy accomplishments, yet no direct mention of poverty by the Mayor of one of the poorest big cities in the United States, where nearly 50% of the city’s children grow up poor. Plenty of feel good bromides about how the city is on the rise, championing new development but no specifics about how that’s going to positively affect its poor population. It’s great to be positive and optimistic, as every Mayor always is, but when and how specifically will we turn things around for Cleveland’s residents that are struggling the most economically and suffering the inequities that brings?
Name: Arthur Hargate
Posted: Mar 29, 2024
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Economic boost
We need to bring Indycar to Cleveland. This race at Burke Lakefront Airport will bring millions of dollars to our city.
Name: Jim Buchanan
Posted: Mar 28, 2024
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