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Making a Public Comment

Council welcomes public comment before regular council meetings. Fill out the online form below for your chance to make a public comment at the next regular Monday Council meeting.  Please read the revised rules and procedures

Registrations can also be submitted:

* In person at Cleveland City Hall, Room 220, 601 Lakeside Ave. NE. Paper forms are available to register.

* If you don't want to fill out the online form below, you can download this form and fill it out and email it to or drop it off at Council offices. (Parking at City Hall on the upper lot is free on Monday's after 5 pm when Council is meeting.) If you need assistance, language or disability, go here to make a request (at least 3 days in advance.) 

Make a Comment in Person


Registrations to speak up to 3 minutes at a regular council meeting can be submitted between noon Wednesday and 2 pm on the Monday before a regular 7 pm council meeting. (Early, incomplete and false registrations are not accepted.) Only the first 10 are accepted.  

Make a Comment Online


If you don't want to speak at a Council meeting, please submit your written comments below. 

Public Comments

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City Operations and Budget: Rats R Us
Why is the story on Cleveland’s rat problem flying under the radar? Because we don’t like negative stories about Cleveland? Because it would annoy the region’s powerful, privileged and pampered elites? “Cleveland, Ohio, ranks as the 10th rattiest city in the U.S., according to the Top 50 Rattiest Cities List from Orkin, a national pest control company. Cleveland ranked 10th on Orkin’s list in 2023 and ninth in 2022.” (Link below.) Just another telling metric demonstrating the unwillingness and ineffectiveness of the city’s political and civic “leadership” to focus on quality of life effects on residents. Poverty remains endemic, urban public schools underperform, rapid transit is anemic, streets are patently unsafe, the protective tree canopy is decimated, code compliance and enforcement is abysmal, affordable housing to purchase is nonexistent, kids are still being poisoned by lead, living wage jobs with benefits are scant and disinvestment in forgotten neighborhoods continues. But we’ll have a stupidly expensive and completely unnecessary land bridge, now won’t we? And the wild-eyed breathless bloviating boosters will still effusively extol the region’s undeniable virtues and assets, while doggedly explaining away, obfuscating and otherwise turning a blind eye to the city’s decades old intractable problems and attendant human suffering that won’t be alleviated until the quality of life of its people becomes a priority on the same level as corporate profits, city tax revenues and nonprofits’ endowments. I wonder if Cleveland’s taxpayers really understand how much of their tax money ends up in the pockets of multi-millionaires and billionaires who don’t and would never live in the city proper? Lawyers, developers, construction companies, insurance brokerages, banks, consultants, sports franchise owners? All big political and philanthropic donors, so they get the grift, and the graft and the corrupted attention. I’ve been told it’s a very, very big number. Maybe Cleveland doesn’t have the inclination or money to fix its intractable problems because the City is just too busy making wealthy people that don’t live in the city wealthier.
Name: Arthur Hargate
Posted: Oct 23, 2024
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City issues
Speaking about issues
Name: Darrell houston
Posted: Oct 23, 2024
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proclamations from the Mayor
Transparency and service to the residents – proclamations from the Mayor
Name: Yvonne Polk
Posted: Oct 16, 2024
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I live in Tremont. Many residents and neighbors, including myself, have had to replace car windows that are being smashed out by young criminals. The video footage, including “get away vehicles” are in full view on video footage. We have been hit again in the same parking lot again, many of us having to replace our car windows again within weeks of the first incident. Where is the police in the investigation of these crimes? We as citizens cannot afford to replace 3 plus windows in our vehicles and still be able to afford to live within the city
Name: Jacqueline DeGutis
Posted: Oct 13, 2024
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Crime, specifically street takeovers.
The street takeovers in Cleveland are acts of domestic terrorism. The individuals committing these pre-meditated, intentional, coordinated crimes are TERRORISTS and should be treated as such, receiving severe penalties. Until ZERO TOLERANCE for this and other escalating crimes in Cleveland is implemented, the crimes will continue.
Name: Kelly
Posted: Oct 8, 2024
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10022 Madison blvd and West Blvd
I wrote this email to the committee and sent it : Hello committee members, I am writing you in regards to passing Ord. No. 791-2024 which will change the current Pedestrian overlay at 10022 Madison (previously a CVS) and making it legal for a gas station to be constructed at this address. As a resident of Ward 15 and living very near to this proposed gas station I believe that I as well as other residents should have a voice in the decision that will be brought up on Oct.1, 2024. Councilman Danny Kelly seems to ignore both the majority of Ward 11 and Ward 15 residents who do not want a gas station on the corner of Madison and West Blvd. Danny Kelly himself does not live in Ward 11. Everyone opposed to the rezoning knows that this is a dangerous intersection for traffic during rush hour and the dropping off and picking up of children for Marion Seltzer School. Anyone living in the immediate area can tell you of what an erroneous decision this would be by making the site a gas station. A change to the zoning would not only allow the building of a gas station which sells alcohol and tobacco, but could be used to open a strip club if the owners so desired. The amount of accidents will increase because of the cars trying to maneuver in and out of this proposed station onto Madision or West Blvd. Also crime will increase because the walking traffic which seems to generate loitering as well as unsafe conditions, evident at the BP station on Lorain and West Blvd only blocks away. Keeping the zoning could attract another Drug store, restaurant or grocery store if promoted by Councilman Kelly. Fresh markets or co-ops have been discussed by community members. A gas station was not even considered as feasible or wanted by the community. There are concerns from parents of children walking past the driveways of a gas station and other possible dangers as they go to and from school. If any of you who have children would stop to take a look at how a gas station would adversely affect the corner of Madison and West Blvd and not enhance it, I believe all of the committee members would unanimously vote against changing the zoning. Thank you for your time, Jamie Lee Brazier
Name: Jamie Brazier
Posted: Oct 5, 2024
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Proposed Gas station on Madison and West Blvd
Hello committee members, I am writing you in regards to passing Ord. No. 791-2024 which will change the current Pedestrian overlay at 10022 Madison (previously a CVS) and making it legal for a gas station to be constructed at this address. As a resident of Ward 15 and living very near to this proposed gas station I believe that I as well as other residents should have a voice in the decision that will be brought up on Oct.1, 2024. Councilman Danny Kelly seems to ignore both the majority of Ward 11 and Ward 15 residents who do not want a gas station on the corner of Madison and West Blvd. Danny Kelly himself does not live in Ward 11. Everyone opposed to the rezoning knows that this is a dangerous intersection for traffic during rush hour and the dropping off and picking up of children for Marion Seltzer School. Anyone living in the immediate area can tell you of what an erroneous decision this would be by making the site a gas station. A change to the zoning would not only allow the building of a gas station which sells alcohol and tobacco, but could be used to open a strip club if the owners so desired. The amount of accidents will increase because of the cars trying to maneuver in and out of this proposed station onto Madision or West Blvd. Also crime will increase because the walking traffic which seems to generate loitering as well as unsafe conditions, evident at the BP station on Lorain and West Blvd only blocks away. Keeping the zoning could attract another Drug store, restaurant or grocery store if promoted by Councilman Kelly. Fresh markets or co-ops have been discussed by community members. A gas station was not even considered as feasible or wanted by the community. There are concerns from parents of children walking past the driveways of a gas station and other possible dangers as they go to and from school. If any of you who have children would stop to take a look at how a gas station would adversely affect the corner of Madision and West Blvd and not enhance it, I believe all of the committee members would unanimously vote against changing the zoning. Thank you for your time, Jamie Lee Brazier
Name: Jamie Brazier
Posted: Oct 5, 2024
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Proposed Gas station on Madison and West Blvd
Hello committee members, I am writing you in regards to passing Ord. No. 791-2024 which will change the current Pedestrian overlay at 10022 Madison (previously a CVS) and making it legal for a gas station to be constructed at this address. As a resident of Ward 15 and living very near to this proposed gas station I believe that I as well as other residents should have a voice in the decision that will be brought up on Oct.1, 2024. Councilman Danny Kelly seems to ignore both the majority of Ward 11 and Ward 15 residents who do not want a gas station on the corner of Madison and West Blvd. Danny Kelly himself does not live in Ward 11. Everyone opposed to the rezoning knows that this is a dangerous intersection for traffic during rush hour and the dropping off and picking up of children for Marion Seltzer School. Anyone living in the immediate area can tell you of what an erroneous decision this would be by making the site a gas station. A change to the zoning would not only allow the building of a gas station which sells alcohol and tobacco, but could be used to open a strip club if the owners so desired. The amount of accidents will increase because of the cars trying to maneuver in and out of this proposed station onto Madision or West Blvd. Also crime will increase because the walking traffic which seems to generate loitering as well as unsafe conditions, evident at the BP station on Lorain and West Blvd only blocks away. Keeping the zoning could attract another Drug store, restaurant or grocery store if promoted by Councilman Kelly. Fresh markets or co-ops have been discussed by community members. A gas station was not even considered as feasible or wanted by the community. There are concerns from parents of children walking past the driveways of a gas station and other possible in dangers as they go to and from school. If any of you who have children would stop to take a look at how a gas station would adversely affect the corner of Madision and West Blvd and not enhance it, I believe all of the committee members would unanimously vote against changing the zoning. Thank you for your time, Jamie Lee Brazier
Name: Jamie Brazier
Posted: Oct 5, 2024
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Gas station
Hello committee members, I am writing you in regards to passing Ord. No. 791-2024 which will change the current Pedestrian overlay at 10022 Madison (previously a CVS) and making it legal for a gas station to be constructed at this address. As a resident of Ward 15 and living very near to this proposed gas station I believe that I as well as other residents should have a voice in the decision that will be brought up on Oct.1, 2024. Councilman Danny Kelly seems to ignore both the majority of Ward 11 and Ward 15 residents who do not want a gas station on the corner of Madison and West Blvd. Danny Kelly himself does not live in Ward 11. Everyone opposed to the rezoning knows that this is a dangerous intersection for traffic during rush hour and the dropping off and picking up of children for Marion Seltzer School. Anyone living in the immediate area can tell you of what an erroneous decision this would be by making the site a gas station. A change to the zoning would not only allow the building of a gas station which sells alcohol and tobacco, but could be used to open a strip club if the owners so desired. The amount of accidents will increase because of the cars trying to maneuver in and out of this proposed station onto Madision or West Blvd. Also crime will increase because the walking traffic which seems to generate loitering as well as unsafe conditions, evident at the BP station on Lorain and West Blvd only blocks away. Keeping the zoning could attract another Drug store, restaurant or grocery store if promoted by Councilman Kelly. Fresh markets or co-ops have been discussed by community members. A gas station was not even considered as feasible or wanted by the community. There are concerns from parents of children walking past the driveways of a gas station and other possible in dangers as they go to and from school. If any of you who have children would stop to take a look at how a gas station would adversely affect the corner of Madision and West Blvd and not enhance it, I believe all of the committee members would unanimously vote against changing the zoning. Thank you for your time, Jamie Lee Brazier
Name: Jamie Brazier
Posted: Oct 5, 2024
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Proposed Gas station on Madison and West Blvd
What is going on with in person sign up for council meetings? 10 people all pro gas station get all the spots last week then this week seven more and no one was able to get a spot who was against the gas station! Something's being manipulated here and I am crying foul! Danny Kelly or your assistant are somehow rigging the selection. What's done in darkness will be brought to light!
Name: Jamie Brazier
Posted: Oct 5, 2024
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