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May 24, 2022

Council passed tougher laws, boosting fines and increased penalties for those riding unregistered dirt bikes and ATVs in the city, at its recent meeting.

The fine grew to $500 for the first offense, and $1,000 for any subsequent offenses --- significantly higher than the current fines, which run between $50 and $100.

The new laws also:

  • Newly target noise nuisances created by dirt bikes (or any other vehicles) driving on public property. Those who ride within close proximity to homes and create “any unreasonable noise” that disturbs the peace would be subject to a $1,000 fine and a first-degree misdemeanor. 
  • Specifically outlaw dirt bikes or other vehicles from blocking intersections while trick-riding or driving in circles as well as “trick or stunt riding or driving of any vehicle upon any part of a sidewalk, street, or other public property of the City.” Violators would be subject to a $1,000 fine and a first-degree misdemeanor. (Currently, first-time violators only receive a second-degree misdemeanor.) 
  • Increase penalties for bikes that aren’t properly equipped with the right lights, brakes or mufflers. First-time violators would be fined $500; subsequent violators would be fined $1,000. (Current penalties range from $15 to $100, and up to three days in jail.)

The legislation was sponsored by Councilman Mike Polensek, chair of the Safety Committee, and Council President Blaine A. Griffin. Ord. No. 546-2022