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Council to Hold In-Person Meetings

Aug 13, 2021

Cleveland City Council's Committee of the Whole will meet in-person at 9 am at Cleveland City Hall (8/18). The committee will meet in the Mercedes Cotner Council Committee Room 217. 

The Council meeting will immediately follow in Council Chambers on the 2nd Floor of City Hall.  Both meetings will be conducted in-person, but will be broadcast live in accordance with Ohio's Open Meetings Laws and Section 101.021 of the Codified Ordinances of Cleveland, Ohio, 1976.
Due to COVID security protocols, there will be strict limitations on room capacity. The committee room's capacity is severly limited - only 22 total  -  including council members. Administration officials testifying will be rotated in and then out when they are finished to allow others to enter.

For those unable to get into the meeting room for the Committee of the Whole, or are waiting to go in to speak,  that meeting will be shown live on a large screen moved into the Council Chamber across the hall.

A total of 112 people can be in Council Chambers, that includes council members, council staff, members of the administration, media and the public.

About 60 members of the public will be able to attend the meeting. Five members of the media will be allowed to attend if sitting in the well of Chambers. The exact number for the Council Chambers will be finalized early next week. 

Everyone must wear a face mask, and observe all City Hall COVID protocols which include temperature checks. Social distancing will be enforced.

As always, all can observe these meetings by live broadcast:

Cleveland City Hall is at 601 Lakeside Avenue.