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Feb 05, 2021

The city of Cleveland's budget hearings begin, by tradition, the day after President's Day (2/15). The Mayor presents on Feb. 16th. 

This week, Development, Planning & Sustainability holds the Community Development Block Grant Hearings starting Tuesday, Feb. 9th, Wednesday, Feb. 10th, and Thursday, Feb. 11th.  Start time for each Community Development Block Grant hearing is 9 am. Review the CDBG book. Here is the opening powerpoint.

D,P&S will also go over Tuesday Housing and Development Programs including the Housing Repair Assistance Programs and Healthy Homes InitiativeHousing Trust Fund; CHDO: Affordable Housing; and Model Block.

Also Tuesday the committee will go over the Middle Neighborhoods Initiative and Land Reutilization Programs including Lot Clean Up; Land Bank; Vacant Lot Infrastructure Maintenance Program and Community Gardens.

On Wednesday, the committee will go over Commercial Revitalization - Storefront Renovation; Neighborhood Development Activities; CDC Activity Grants; Citywide Development Support Agencies. 

Wednesday afternoon, the committee will go over Public Services including Third Party Social Services; Banking Relations; Consumer Affairs; and Fair Housing and Demolition and Board Ups. The city has set up a separate website for the 10-Year-Housing Plan review that is underway.

On Thursday, the committee will review CDBG Homeless Assistance and Emergency Solutions Grants and CDBG AIDS Prevention and HOPWA Reconciliation.

On Friday, Feb. 12th there is a council budget retreat. Budget retreat document - council's product. The administration's safety presentation.

View the Capital-Projects-Council-Presentation

You can view the schedule at Cleveland City Council - Calendar or to Cleveland City Council - Calendar (

On Tuesday, Feb. 16th Mayor Frank G. Jackson will present his "estimate" to council members during session from 9 am until approximately noon. During the meeting, council members and the mayor discuss aspects of the budget and decisions made in it. Review the budget.

The council then begins its discussion with the various department directors and commissions through Friday, Feb. 26th. Most of the hearings run from 9 am until 5 pm, though on some occasions they continue beyond that. 

On Monday, Feb. 22nd, budget hearings will run from 9 am until 2 pm. Council will have then have  a 2 pm Finance Committee meeting and immediately following go into a Council Meeting.

Full day budget hearings resume on Tuesday, Feb. 23rd. through Friday the 26th.

In accordance with Ohio's Open Meetings Law under H.B. 404. Committee and council meetings can be watched live on TV20 and YouTube. It will also be linked to council's Facebook page

Viewers can also watch on YouTube anytime after the meeting. You can also review the full legislation, learn about upcoming committee or council hearings, or sign up for notices about upcoming committee hearings on the Legistar calendar page. You can search for legislation from 2003 on the Legistar legislation page